One face only came for physical battle not verbal! Hahahah that made me laugh hard xD
One face only came for physical battle not verbal! Hahahah that made me laugh hard xD
Hahaha did Mullet really make a comeback?? I JUST saw someone with one today!
I loved it so much!! Until the end. Slurpee girl was my favorite );
Please learn some basic concepts of drawing and art.
Such as.
Mechanics of the human body.
3dimensional space.
and lighting.
and at least some principles of animation. Like anticipation etc.
I"m not being a dick. Just being honest.
everythings pretty great, especially the writing and timing.
There's only one thing you REALLY need to do.
That's moving the jaw down when people talk.
What you have now is what appears to be floating cardboard drawn mouths over there face.
The point of animation is to create an illusion.
Please work on your lips illusion.
It'll eventually come to that. I just need to quit being so lazy.
Oh my gosh. The end was just amazing. I laughed so hard at the last joke. xD
Your completely amazing at animating special effects and your cinematic sense has improved a lot too.
If you DONT ever become a professional animator that would just be a gargantuan waste of skill.
Thank you very much Xander, I appreciate it! It would be a waste!
It's nice to see that you improve so fast with your cartoons! :D
Do you know about easing with the tweens? I noticed you could've used that in a couple panning shots but didn't. Just little things like that can make a cartoon subliminally better.
I know sound effects are a bitch to get and whatnot, but for sounds that repeat, like before she was barfing, it'd make it better, to manipulate the sound effect differently every time, so it's not the same exact sound over and over.
Also, you might just wanna speed things up a little bit to give it more of a comedic timing!
That's all the advice I have. Hope it helps! C:
Everythings pretty darn good.
Some suggestions-
improve the lip syncing a bit. Just add more frames to it.
improve on the shots. Where the camera is. A lot of the times it was at a far away shot that didn't capture much emotion. Do more close-ups I suppose. Or be REALLY daring and do an over the shoulder shot when two characters are talking to eachother.
I think the lipsync is also a little off because when I export the film, I usually get awful sound-problems and have to change settings to ADPCM and apparently Flash likes to shift sounds a little bit then.
Thanks for the constructive review!
Golfinho is stupid. For one you didn't say "hey this is how the world is"
And even though people aren't obliged HERE to follow a profession, there are in some countries across the world.
I think you have creativity and the color schemes you use shows you know a lot about color theory. Having a complementary color scheme of blue and orange in this for instance.
Great job! I can't wait for another awesome cartoon from you. :D
Well, everyone's entitled to opinions, and I definotely can't please everyone, especially with this "meaningful"-ish movies. Anyway, thanks!
I make comic strips, and I do a funny drawing show with my friends on YouTube! I'm a pro editor so every episode be FIRE.
Age 32
United States
Joined on 12/14/11