Allright, so my Kreid buddy requested me to review this, and I'll try to make this a detailed meaningful review so I'm gonna sound like a total dick. here we go.
First off, I noticed how bad your colors were. Gradients? YUCK. Gradients pretty much scream "OH LOOK AT ME IM A LAZY ASS WHO DOESN"T WANNA SHADE"
Colors take up about ALL of the screen, besides the outlines of the characters, so I think color choices is one of the most important parts of cartoons. SO, study color theory some, and stick with color schemes, when you make a cartoon, create a pallette of colors all next to eachother to see if they look good, and only use those colors and for jeebus christmas DON"T use gradients. Only exception to that is the sky since in real life it really IS a gradient.
Secondly, your use of sound effects was mediocre, not terrible, but could've been better.
Just overall though it's wayyy too long and drawn out.
Since it's a commercial you do realize commercials pay according to the amount of seconds their commercial is right? Why do you think they're always so short? U:
Commercials....the shorter the better. I could honestly imagine this all being done in less than 10 seconds, and it would've been better that way.
Lastly, I noticed when the bunny hopped you only moved that still picture of it. All I can say is do frame by frame whenever possible and DONT HALF-ASS ANYTHING. If you can do something better do it better.